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FAQ Scanner

FAQ Scanner
You have purchased one of our products and have questions about operating methods or an error message you got? Then check our FAQs below.

If you have questions about your scanners which are not covered in the guide, please contact our customer support:

Phone: +49 7723 657-0

RS 86x

Where are the TWAIN Settings stored?
If the TWAIN driver is loaded first time it searches for the file .INI-file. There three different .INI-files:

• RS86u.INI for all RS 86x-scanners with USB-interface
• RS86x.INI for the RS 861and RS 862 with SCSI-interface and
• RS86m.INI for the RS 863 and RS 864 with SCSI-interface.

The .INI-file contains most of the TWAIN settings. If it doesn´t exist the TWAIN default settings are used. If an .INI-file doesn´t exist, it is generated in the WINDOWs- folder if the TWAIN driver is closed. In case it exists, the current TWAIN settings are stored there at closing time. If the TWAIN driver is opened again the TWAIN-settings are loaded from respective .INI-file.
Which settings are not stored in the .INI files?
The double-feed-control ON/OFF is not stored in the file .INI-files. Per default it is always switched ON. It can be switched OFF only by using the TWAIN interface (see CUSTOMDSDATA).

How can the font type of the endorser be set?
There are no TWAIN-API functions for setting the font type. Therefore the font-type can be set in the file RS86u.INI. The parameter “ENDORSERTYPEFACE=x” defines font-type. x may have the following values:

1 = 14 CPI
2 = 7 CPI bold type
3 = 7 CPI.
Why do you get always on DG_IMAGE.DAT_IMAGENATIVEXFER, MSG_GET TWRC_FAILURE the returncode =0?
This happens if the feeder is empty. On the event DG_IMAGE,DAT_PENDIGNCFERS,MSG_ENDXFER is not always known, whether the feeder is really empty.
How can log TWAIN driver data?
Set the entry “LOGFILE=path/logfilename.log” in the RS86u.INI file. When the TWAIN driver is opened the above defined file is generated and data is logged in ASCII format.
How can Windows-EVENTLOG be switched off?
Per default all the scanner errors are logged In the file EVENTLOG file. To switch this function OFF in the RS86u.INI file under [SETTINGS] the entry “EVENT_LOG=0” must be generated.
What are the scan-/ transport-speeds and what is the typical throughout for A6 documents?
• 100 x 100 dpi greyscale both sides: 420 mm/s and 140 docs/min
• 100 x 100 dpi fullcolor both sides: 210 mm/s and 70 docs/min
• 200 x 200 dpi greyscale both sides: 210 mm/s and 70 docs/min
• 200 x 200 dpi color/filter both sides (e.g. 200 dpi red/ 100 dpi green/ 100 dpi blue): 105 mm/s and 35 docs/min
• 200 x 200 dpi fullcolor (200 dpi red /200 dpi green/ 200 dpi blue): 70 mm/s and 22 docs/min
• 200 x 200 dpi black/white Frontside and 100 x 100 dpi fullcolor both sides: 105 mm/s and 35 docs/min
• Clear document track: 250 mm/s
What to do if the scanner works ok, but after one day or more suddenly the scanner program crashes?
Please check the version of the used ASPI driver. Use only the version 4.57. All other drivers from Adaptec (e.g. 4.71) do have memory league problems. This applies not only for Windows XP but also for Windows Vista.

Applicable only for SCSI environments with Adaptec cards!
What can be the reason for the following error-message?
„Failure MSG_ENABLEDS, Low Memory Condition encountered, free up some memory and try again”
This error-message is generated by the REINER® TWAIN-driver in case it issues the UserInterfacedialog “CreateDialog()” to the TWAIN_32.DLL and gets back an NULL-handle. Therefore check the version of the TWAIN_32.DLL. Under Windows XP it should be

Under Windows it is not possible to use the Help-function within the TWAIN window.
To be able to use the HELP function within the RS 900 or RS 86x TWAIN window, Winhlp32.exe is required. This program displays 32-bit Help files that have the “.hlp” file name extension. To view .hlp files on Windows Vista, you need to install this application. Please click here.

If you have any other problems, please send an email to

RS 89x

What is the reason if a RS 890 or RS 891 scanner module in combination with a RA 894 sometimes works ok but another time doesn't function correctly?
The RS 890 or RS 891 need a power supply with 24VDC/1A. If the RS 890/ 891 scanner is upgraded with a RA 894 a 24VDC/3A power supply is mandatory. Also for the RS 893, for the RS 893/RA 894 or the RS 893/RA 894/RR 895 combination this power supply is absolutely required.
Where may I buy ink cartridges for the endorser?
In RS 89x scanner modules the HP ink cartridge No. 51604 is used. Either your local HP dealer can provide you with the cartridge or you can order at REINER®. Additionally it must be mentioned that REINER® is the official OEM-supplier for this type of ink cartridge in black. Interesting could also be that REINER® can provide this cartridge with red ink and even ink for food packaging.

Order-N° black: 801307-000
Order-N° red: 801307-050
Order-N° black for food packaging: 791040-000
Order-N° red for food packaging: 791040-001
What to do if one nozzle of the endorser is not working properly?
In this case one of the nozzles is destroyed and the print head must be replaced.

To avoid nozzle failures, switch the scanner ON or OFF ONLY if the power plug is plugged in the wall socket. Please keep in mind, that supply voltages above 24VDC destroy the print head immediately.
What must happen if the RS 89x module is switched on?
If you switch on the scanner you must hear the typical sound of the shutter. Then have a look at the LEDs which are located at the right side of the scanner housing (front of panel view). The 3 green LEDs must be on (not flashing) the yellow LED must be off. If the USB-cable is connected to the scanner you should also hear a bing-bong sound on the PC. Also you should see the scanner in the device-manager (under multifunction-adapter) if the USB-driver is installed. (refer also to Installation guideline for REINER® RS 89x Scanner)

For which application languages REINER® provides examples?
Currently available are program examples in Visual C++ 6.0 and Visual Basic 6.0.
What could be the reason if you get error 8 although neither documents nor parts of a document are within the scanners document track?
The photo-sensor L-BK2 gets some extraneous light.
Please check whether the black cap above this sensor is installed.
What to do if the scanner module provides strange images?
Please check the following using the device manager:

Is Win XP Professional SP2 or Windows 2000 SP4 installed?

Are the following drivers installed?

usbhub.sys Vers.: 5.1.2600.2180
usbport.sys Vers.: 5.1.2600.2180
usbuhci.sys Vers.: 5.1.2600.2180
usbehci.sys Vers.: 5.1.2600.2180
usbohci.sys Vers.: 5.1.2600.2180
usbui.dll Vers.: 5.1.2600.2180
hcoin.dll Vers.: 5.1.2600.2180
usbd.sys Vers.: 5.1.2600.0

It is strongly recommended that the USB-drivers from Microsoft are installed in case you use an USB-controller card from any vendors.

Here also some information what was monitored in the past in case the Service Packs are not installed:

• The scanner provides images with bottom half of image in yellow colour and upper half is fine.
• The scanner starts occasionally with errors like "Track is not empty" even it was verified that there is no paper in scanner at all.
• Additionally this error seems to be less frequent on USB 2.0 enabled computers, and more frequently on USB 1.1.
• Occasionally the problem happens also in your application even if the DEMO application provided by REINER® works properly.
What are the scan- and transport-speeds?

• 604mm/s (23.78/s) at 100 x 100dpi
• 302mm/s (11.89/s) at 200 x 200dpi
• 201mm/s (7.92/s) at 300 x 300dpi (300 dpi interpolated in vertical direction)

Filtered colour
Filtered colour always means that one colour has high resolution and the other colours have half the resolution.

• 302 mm/s (11.89/s) at 100 x 100 dpi e.g. 100 dpi red/ 50 dpi green/ 50 dpi blue
• 151 mm/s (5.94/s) at 200 x 200 dpi e.g. 200 dpi red/ 100 dpi green/ 100 dpi blue
• 100 mm/s (3.96/s) at 300 x 300 dpi e.g. 300 dpi red/ 150 dpi green/ 150 dpi blue

Full colour

• 201 mm/s (7.92/s) at 100 x 100 dpi
• 100 mm/s (3.94/s) at 200 x 200 dpi
• 67 mm/s (2.64/s) at 300 x 300 dpi (in vertical direction 300 dpi interpolated)
• Transport speed : 500 mm/s (19.69/s)

If the endorser is used the transport-speed remains the same in all the cases above.
What to do if the scanner works ok, but after one day or more suddenly the scanner program crashes?
Please check the version of the used ASPI driver. Use only the version 4.57. All other drivers from Adaptec (e.g. 4.71) do have memory league problems. This applies not only for Windows XP but also for Windows Vista.

Applicable only for SCSI environments with Adaptec cards!
What typical speed can be achieved if the RS 893 scan feeder is feeded with a batch of documents?
Assuming that we scan with 200 dpi grey-scale duplex and use the following procedure:

Feed document
Read MICR information
Endorse 80 characters
Transport document into the stacker (while the document is stacked the next one is feeded)
or transport document out of the scan feeder

We get a throughput of up to 17 documents / min.
How you can guarantee that only REINER® USB scanners are permitted to work on USB ports?
To allow only REINER® USB-scanners to operate but also to block other USB devices like memory sticks on the USB-ports the following steps must be achieved:

> Install the REINER® USB scanner on the PC (see document install REINER® USB-Scanners / First Steps)
> Start the regedit program by entering Run regedit and process the following key
> Click the key above with the right mouse-key and enter the menu Permissions.
> Select under Permission entries the entry SYSTEM and click the button Advanced.
> Check out the red circle below and press the buttom Edit. (Then it could be that it asks in a new window Security for Copy, Remove or Cancel. Press the buttom Copy in this case and select once more Edit).
> Check the permissions according to the red ellipse below.

Setting registry entries is only possible under administrator rights.

RS 900

How can I improve the MICR reading quality?
MICR reading quality strongly depends on a correct bottom aligned transportation of the document to be read. The reason for that is that the MICR line must match to the MICR head. Therefore please feed the machine carefully and well bottom aligned. An additional information concerning that point is that a small value can be set for the variable “allowed skew range until the scanner detects an error” in the Configuration Menu of the RS 900 MainTenance and Repair program MTR900 (e.g. 20 = 2 mm means that a skew of 2 mm is allowed on an A6 document´s length; if the skew is larger an error is indicated).
How can I read the scanner & acutes serial number on the USB-interface?
Issue the standard device request USB_STRING_SERIALNUMBER_DESCRIPTOR to get the five-figure number. See also document USB Interface description RS 900.
What are the scan-/ transport-speeds?
100 x 100 dpi greyscale both sides: 420mm/s
100 x 100 dpi fullcolor both sides: 210mm/s
200 x 200 dpi greyscale both sides: 210mm/s
200 x 200 dpi color/filter both sides (e.g. 200 dpi red/ 100 dpi green/ 100dpi blue): 105mm/s
200 x 200 dpi fullcolor (200 dpi red /200 dpi green/ 200 dpi blue): 70mm/s
200 x 200 dpi black/white Frontside and 100 x 100 dpi full color both sides: 105mm/s
Clear document track: 400mm/s
What can be the reason for the following error-message?
„Failure MSG_ENABLEDS, Low Memory Condition encountered, free up some memory and try again”
This error-message is generated by the REINER® TWAIN-driver in case it issues the UserInterfacedialog “CreateDialog()” to the TWAIN_32.DLL and gets back an NULL-handle. Therefore check the version of the TWAIN_32.DLL. Under Windows XP it should be

Under Windows it is not possible to use the Help-function within the TWAIN window.
To be able to use the HELP function within the RS 900 or RS 86x TWAIN window, Winhlp32.exe is required. This program displays 32-bit Help files that have the “.hlp” file name extension. To view .hlp files on Windows Vista, you need to install this application.

If you have any other problems, please send an email to
What to do if the error document run too high 9 (2) occurs, but the document is running well bottom aligned?
This could happen if the document is imprinted with dark dwell colour or the colour is in the range of the complementary colour (~magenta) of the light source (green LED 520 nm).

To avoid this error message one or more of the following action can be performed:

Set the value “allowable skew range until scanner detects an error” in the MTR900) configuration window as large as possible (Default: 30; max.: 250). Please note, that the MICR results can probably be worse, if you allow higher skews.
Change scanning mode from 8 Bit grey to 24 Bit colour or vice versa
Deactivate “Border Detection” in the Twain32 source window
Deactivate “Deskew” in the Twain32 source Window.

For getting the MTR900 program, please contact your sales person or send an email to
Why the error bad document length 6 (1) occurs, even if the document-length is in the allowed range?
This could happen if the document is imprinted with dark dwell colour or the colour is in the range of the complementary colour (~magenta) of the light source (green LED 520 nm).

To avoid this error message one or more of the following action can be performed:

• Set the value “L-VF/RF level” in the MTR900) configuration window as low as possible (Default: 15; recommendation: lowest value shouldn´t be below 10).
• Change scanning mode from 8 Bit grey to 24 Bit colour or vice versa
• Deactivate “Border Detection” in the Twain32 source window
• Deactivate “Deskew” in the Twain32 source window.

For getting the MTR900 program, please contact your sales person or send an email to