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General Terms of Use for Using REINER® Apps

By downloading a REINER® App (hereinafter briefly: "App") from a Store, you as the licensee enter into the following license agreement with Ernst REINER® GmbH & Co. KG, represented by its general partner, REINER® Verwaltungsgesellschaft, in turn represented by its managing director Mr Frank Stauch, headquartered in Furtwangen, Baumannstraße 18 (hereinafter briefly: "REINER®"). You agree with it by downloading a REINER® App.

1. Scope of application of terms of use

1.1. Only entrepreneurs within the meaning of § 14 German Civil Code (Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch) have the right to download a REINER® App. These general terms of use (hereinafter also the "License Agreement") therefore are targeted at entrepreneurs exclusively.

1.2. The general terms of use apply to all iOS and Android Apps by REINER®.

1.3. Costs

REINER® provides the App to the licensee free of charge. Downloading the App uses data volume, which may give rise to costs for the user.

1.4. Usage rights

1.4.1. The licensee has the right to "use" the App provided to him free of charge for his own purposes. REINER® therefore grants the licensee the non-exclusive, non-transferrable right to use the App on a computer. No rights beyond this are granted. Therefore, e.g. decompilation, disassembling or reverse engineering of the software, as well as modification of the software or creation of programs based on the software are not permitted. Furthermore, it is not permitted to copy the software or to provide it to third parties.

The licensee is obligated to preserve any protection notes in the App, such as copyright notes and other legal reservations, unchanged.

1.4.2. The software provided to the licensee contains copyright-protected material and trade secrets, as well as other protected contents in which only REINER® holds the usage and exploitation rights. We therefore reserve prosecution under civil and criminal law if the provision under 1.4.1 is violated.

2. Liability and warranty

2.1. Since REINER® provides the App to the licensee free of charge, the liability of REINER® for any defects of material and title or damage is limited or excluded as follows:

2.1.1. REINER® does not assume any warranty concerning the availability, reliability, function or suitability of the App for the licensee's purposes.

2.1.2. Liability for defects of material and title, no matter the legal reason, shall only apply if REINER® maliciously concealed the defect. Apart from this, REINER®, its legal representatives or vicarious agents shall only be liable in the case of wilful or grossly negligent misconduct and for culpably caused damage to life, limb or health. Furthermore, any claims under the Product Liability Act (Produkthaftungsgesetz) shall not be affected.

3. Prohibition of abuse

3.1. The Apps and their functions must not be abused in any manner. Please only use the App in the legally permitted scope and in compliance with our terms of use.

3.2. REINER® reserves the right to exclude you from use of the App if you violate these terms of use.

4. User details

Any data entered by you may be collected and evaluated by REINER® for continuous improvement of the Apps. For more information, see the "data protection statement for REINER® Apps".

5. Termination of this agreement

5.1. The licensee has the right to cease use of the App at any time.

5.2. REINER® has the right to cease provision of the App at any time.

5.3. Item 6 (Changes to the App/terms of use) shall not be affected.

6. Changes to the App/terms of use

6.1. REINER® reserves the right to add functions and features to the App or to remove them, or to change the App in any other manner and to potentially introduce new restrictions of the services. There is no claim to provision of the App, or to provision in any specific technical form.

6.2. REINER® has the right to amend or supplement these terms of use at any time. REINER® will inform you about this and provide the changed text to you.

6.3. If you object to the change, the right granted to you to use the App free of charge will expire.

7. Data protection

The global data protection statement of REINER® ( shall apply in addition to the "data protection statement for REINER® Apps"

8. Applicable law/jurisdiction

8.1. This agreement is subject to the law of the Federal Republic of Germany exclusively, subject to exclusion of UN sales law (CISG) and the provisions of private international law.

8.2. The place of jurisdiction shall be D-78120 Furtwangen (Germany). Either party has the right to sue the other party at that party's general place of jurisdiction.
Furtwangen, August 2019