To log you in automatically the next time you visit the REINER® websites, a cookie will be placed on your computer by your browser. This cookie contains a unique ID so we can identify your login credentials at your next visit and log you in automatically. The cookie will be deleted if you unregister or log out. If you delete your browser cache and cookies, or the cookies alone, through your browser. If this is done, however, you will not be logged in automatically the next time you visit the REINER® websites. We may withdraw the permission for automatic login at any time if this function is abused.
The name of the cookie placed is: reinerlogin. It is valid for up to 365 days. It will only be active on the (www.) pages and potential subdomains of the website. The term of validity will be reset to 365 days at every automatic login.
If you do not agree to this automated process for registration on the REINER® websites, please inform us at